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Updated: Oct 30, 2019

Two and a half weeks of snow, shovels and cold fingers culminated in a finished product worthy of a place in the mountains.

Skiers and boarders alike flocked to learn more about the Model 3 and arrange their test drives down in the main town.

To see the fruition of the hard graft and man hours in the incredible alpine surroundings, made it all worth while.

To further heighten our sense of achievement, we discovered our efforts had taken the world record title for the highest pop up store at 2420 meters above sea level, which had previously been set at 2200 meters by Porsche mere months before in Meribel.

Such a major project could not go unrewarded, to which end a party was organised by the Folie Douce team, with the whose who of the town attending, including the mayor and other

representatives; definitely a party fit for the location and the car. No filming was allowed inside the party but check out the final result here!

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