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  • Writer's pictureEdward


Probably the hardest part of the Tesla geo dome project was the journey as the title of this blog suggests… 

To navigate the mountainous terrain and conditions, it was crucial to dismantle the dome using methods that enable the easiest assembly possible in our next destination - Val D’Isere

With creative production projects such as this, logistics and careful planning are imperative to successful execution. Preparations can easily go out of the window if mother nature is not accounted for; and without said preparations, you could find yourself wanting when sub zero conditions worsen at the drop of hat.

As ever, our team planning was down to a T, delivering the Tesla geo dome a day early to Val D’Isere with no hiccups. 

Once in resort we liaised with resort officials, the town mayor, heads of the ski domain and of course the logistics team, tasked with getting the dome and more importantly, the Model 3, safely up the mountain!

Piste Bashers, Snow Cats, Snow Mobiles and Sleds- all the toys one needs to bring materials and team up to the Folie Douce for assembly- even in snow storms with 40mph winds. Thankfully the daytime weather was far more generous; roasting sunshine beating down as the team brought together the sub flooring, main flooring, dome frame and polycarbonate sheets like a giant jigsaw puzzle.

Check out the journey below; the result to follow...

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